Critérium du Dauphiné 2019 Route stage 7: Saint-Genix-les-Villages - Les Sept Laux-Pipay

Criterium du Dauphine profile stage 7Saturday 15 June - The 7th stage of the Critérium du Dauphiné is a mountainous race of 133.5 kilometres with an elevation gain of 4,150 metres. Expect the fireworks to detonate on the short and explosive course to Les Sept Laux-Pipay. The final climb is 19 kilometres at 6.9%

The route is well-balanced with a new peak every 30 kilometres or so. Following an undulating first 35 kilometres the stage kicks into gear at the foot of the Col de l’Épine, which is a 7.6 kilometres climb at 7.2%. Up next is the 12 kilometres long Col du Granier. The average gradient of this climb sits at 5.8%. It has been a while since the Granier last saw a pro-peloton. The Tour de France climbed the pass in 2012 in a stage that was won by David Millar.

Following a false flat section in the valley the Dauphiné tackles the Col de Marcieu: 10.4 kilometres at 6.1%. The riders reach the summit after 100.5 kilometres before a descent ushers in the grande finale. The first three climbs are 1st categorie, the final haul up is hors catégorie.

The Montée de Pipay is a 19 kilometres toil with an average gradient of 6.9%. It is a steady test with no double digits, the challenge is the sheer length of it. With the final climb the Dauphiné lives up to its promise to test unknown ascents, as the Montée de Pipay was not climbed by the pro-peloton since the 1980 Tour de France. So none of the riders will be familiar with the drag up to the ski resort of Les Sept Laux-Pipay.

The race is expected to finish around 17:00 local time.

Other interesting reads:
live race report
GC after stage 6

Critérium du Dauphiné 2019 stage 7: route, profiles, more

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