Giro 2024 Route stage 10: Pompei - Bocca della Selva

Giro d'Italia 2024Tuesday 14 May - The second week of the Giro is off to a strong start with a race through the southern Apennines. The 10th stage travels from Pompeï to the Bocca della Selva in the mountains above Cusano Mutri. The route is 142 kilometres long, while the finish climb adds up to 17.9 kilometres.

The first 45 kilometres are as good as flat. The route continues as a false flat after San Felice a Cancello and following another flat section the first climb begins in Montesarchio. It’s 4.7 kilometres long and averaging 6%, but it really comes down to a section halfway, which kicks up at double digit gradients for about 1 kilometre.

The route descends to the base of the first KOM climb of the day. The Camposauro throws in 6.1 kilometres at 7.8%, while it ramps up to 13%.

There are still 57 kilometres remaining at the summit of the Camposauro. Following a descent to Solopaca and the crossing of the Calore River the route is back at 60 metres above sea level. The finish is situated at almost 1,400 metres and this section runs mostly uphill at shallow gradients.

The finish climb kicks in 3 kilometres after moving through Cusano Mutri. The Bocca della Selva opens with 6 kilometres at 6% before a virtually flat section makes way for an undulating phase. The last 6 kilometres add an average gradient of 7.2% to the mix. The total finishing ascent is 17.9 kilometres long and averaging 5.6%.

The Bocca della Selva was included twice in the Giro d’Italia – in 2016 and 2021 -, but it never before served as a finish.

The second and third intermediate sprint come with 3, 2 and 1 seconds, while the first three riders on the line gain 10, 6 and 4 seconds.

Ride the route yourself? Download GPX 10th stage 2024 Giro d’Italia.

Another interesting read: results 10th stage 2024 Giro.

Giro d’Italia 2024 stage 10: routes, profiles, videos

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