The first half of the race is played out on friendly terrain. Flat to rolling roads lead to a circuit around Recanati. Here the Tirreno kicks into gear.
The last 85 kilometres feature nine consecutive climbs. After the first one the riders enter a circuit with two leg-sapping walls. The climb to the line is especially demanding with ramps up to 19%. The first half slopes at 10.8% before it levels out to 3.3% in the second half. The length of the ‘Wall of Recanati’ is 3.6 kilometres.
Following the first passage on the line the riders face three more laps of 22.8 kilometres. The route drops down to the first ascent, which is crested 7 kilometres before the kick up to the finish line.
The first three riders on the line win time bonuses of 10, 6 and 4 seconds, while two intermediate sprints (at kilometre 97.4 and at kilometre 134.4) come with 3, 2 and 1 seconds.
Another interesting read: results/race report 5th stage 2019 Tirreno-Ariatico.
Tirreno-Adriatico 2019 stage 5: route, profiles, more
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